Richard Sowdon attending a BTC in Maryland in 2018, as South Region Training Commissioner.
Outdoor Service Guides just elected a new board.
As of Feb 22, 2022, our board will be:
Chief Commissioner: Richard Sowdon
Secretary: Mathias Neuber
Treasurer: Aislinn McEwen
In OSG, our elected board serves for two year, which means they will serve until Feb 22, 2024.
Congratulations to all our new board members! We are grateful for your service. As an all volunteer organization, we rely on members to step forward and give of their time and perform service to allow us to continue as a Non-Profit organization.
How do our elections work? The District and Regional Commissioners nominate people for the positions, and GSMs then vote on behave of their group. Historically, we’ve had many members run unopposed for their board seats. There are also further board seats that are appointed by the Chief Commissioner with each term. If you would like to serve at the national level, please reach out to your Regional or District Commissioner.