Category: Rovering

Camping in the Rain? No problem!

What do you do if the camping trip you booked a few months ago, will now be cold and rainy?  OSG leaders were asked this question, and they had a whole lot of suggestions!  Below, are tips from our leaders from all across the country! Bring 3 or 4 extra tarps. I find that they are better than most footprints...

How to be an Amazing OSG Leader!

Being a leader in Outdoor Service Guides is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. However, it isn’t always easy. Today, I’m offering tips from long time leaders about how to have a successful group and be an amazing leader.  This is advice for you, no matter which age level you work with. Rule #1: Make it Fun...

Leader Guide to working with Scouts with Special Needs and Neurodiversity

Part of our mission in OSG is to create “Scouting for All.” In this quest, we not only scout with people of all races, religions, backgrounds, genders, and orientations, but also with scouts who are neurodiverse and experience a variety of physical and learning challenges. While some of those differences make no difference to the scout leader or the program,...

Rover Project Badge: Laminated Spars

Rover Richard Sowdon recently completed his Project Badge with a project on laminated spars. He created spars for his pathfinders to use in pioneering projects that are stronger, safer, and more sustainable than harvesting young trees to use as spars. Richard wrote up the directions for how to make these spars, as part of his badge work. If you’d like...

Rover Book List – Scouting and Leading

Aside from Scouting for Boys and Rovering to Success, what other books can a person read to learn more about scouting? Here is a book list compiled by Rovers all across the country of books they have read to help them in their journey as scouters and leaders. Many of these are chosen for being more inclusive or having a...