Tagged: badge

Pathfinder: Gardening Badge Zoom Help

PLEASE NOTE: Since the publication of this post, the Pathfinder Handbook has been published. You can learn more about it here in the announcement on the OSG website. One of the newest badges available for pathfinders to earn, is the  Gardener Badge which is included in the new Pathfinder Handbook Pre-Release. The 17th Black Bears in Virginia participated in a...

Community Gardening

In the spring, the 17th Black Bear Pathfinders got the chance to have a community garden plot to farm. They jumped at the chance! Getting outside together sounded fun. The Pathfinder patrols decided what to plant. They were enthusiastic about planting onions! Onions are a good spring or fall crop. The Leaders were skeptical but the onions grew well and...

Pathfinder Social Distancing Challenge-  Naturalist Badge

This is a great time to have your pathfinders work on the Naturalist badge.  You can see all the requirements below. Your pathfinders can tell you the answer to number 1, over the phone or zoom. You can challenge them to work on #2 by watching plants and animals in their own yard or ones in their neighborhood.  Your scouts may...