Category: Forms and Leader Guides

Rubric for Scouting Accomidations

While being inclusive, we may have times that we need to decide how to accommodate the needs of one of our guides. One way to do this, is to determine how much help a scout needs. Once you determine their needs, you can discuss with parents and caregivers how to provide for those needs. This may mean asking a parent...

Gearing up for a New Scouting Year

Starting a new scouting year is exciting and challenging.  One thing that seems to be extra challenging is gathering contact information for any new families that show up at your kick-off meeting or first few meetings. There are also some standard legal agreements/waivers that are good to have parents sign off on and review. Our parent organization offers a standard...

Leader Guide to working with Scouts with Special Needs and Neurodiversity

Part of our mission in OSG is to create “Scouting for All.” In this quest, we not only scout with people of all races, religions, backgrounds, genders, and orientations, but also with scouts who are neurodiverse and experience a variety of physical and learning challenges. While some of those differences make no difference to the scout leader or the program,...

Schedules for Camp: How and Why

I adore having an hour-by-hour schedule for troop camping trips. Why? Because it takes much of the stress out of the experience for me. Having every adult in camp know what time we will be starting to cook dinner, eat, clean up, hike, do flags or play games means they know when they can rest, and when they need to...

Menstruation Guide

As a fully inclusive program of all genders, scout leaders need to be knowledgeable about menstruation and provide appropriate support for scouts who experience menstruation. The typical age for a first period is 12, with most people starting to have cycles between age 10 and 15. However, there are those who get them earlier and later, so age alone does...