Bronze Arrow Training: An Awesome Weekend for Pathfinders!
What is Bronze Arrow Training? It is an Outdoor Service Guides weekend created especially for our Pathfinders! This special weekend is designed for Pathfinders who have earned Second Class and are patrol leaders, assistant patrol leaders, or are interested in being a patrol leader, to learn about leadership. Scouts should come prepared to camp with Pathfinders from many other groups and learn from other scouts. The weekend involves games, challenges, camping, cooking and more!
Our next Bronze Arrow Training, BAT for short, is taking place the weekend of March 25-27th, 2022, in Thurmont, Maryland. We expect to have scouts from states all over the East Coast and scouts further afield are also welcome to attend!
Interested scouts should discuss attending with their Scoutmaster. If you are a lone scout interested in attending, please let your regional commissioner know you also want to attend.

Attendees also get this awesome patch!
You can sign up HERE now!