What does it take to be an OSG leader?

I’ve asked this question a lot! What do you need to have to be a great scout leader?  Here are ten of my favorite answers from a variety of wonderful Outdoor Service Guides leaders!

A Sense of Humor!        

A good rain coat!


A sense of fun! 


Sturdy, waterproof boots! 

A desire to learn and grow along side your scouts!

A love of the outdoors! 

A desire to give your time and help the next generation learn to scout. 

A uniform and a whistle, that way they know who is supposed to be in charge. 

A heart for adventure. 

A willingness to try, even if you don’t know what you are doing! 

Whatever you have going for you, and why ever you became a leader, I hope some of these speak to you. I also hope you do all own a good rain coat. You’ll need it!

Got another thing to add to our list?  Please add it in the comments section!

1 Response

  1. A clear vision that Scouting can change lives

    A passion to live Scout Promise and Law to the bring out and encourage the best in people

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