Annual Kick-Off Meeting
Every year, we have an interest meeting for our group. This is when we invite new families to come learn what our BPSA group is all about, and we start back up for our returning scouts. This first meeting of the year, is when we explain, once again, what BPSA is all about. We talk about what we want out of our scouting year. We ask for volunteers to help make that happen. We get parents to sign waivers, fill out forms and pay dues, if possible. This makes the rest of the meetings ones we can focus on the kids, instead of that pesky paperwork.
Handouts Help!
To make this go smoothly, I have created several hand outs. I make one each year that has a bit about our group, and some future meetings, planned activities and information for parents. I have another one for parents to fill out asking how they will help with the group, it ranges from leadership to agreeing to make a phone call or two. I have handouts that ask what size shirt I should order for their scout, and I like to bring an otter shirt to show how big an Extra Small otter shirt is. Our quartermaster for BPSA stocks shirts that are a little bigger than parents expect.
One year, I got frustrated with being asked if I’d cancel camping over weather, so I created our “Camping Policy” and handed that out. As you can see, I forgot to mention pandemics. Oops.
Attached here, are these forms, for you to see. Edit them, copy them, use them if they help you. Create forms that help you get what you need from this meeting, and ones that help parents take home the information they need.
There is an official BPSA flier available from the QuarterMaster, or email me for a file to print yourself. Reach me at
If your group has other handouts that you use, that you’d like to share, email me and we will happily add them to this page!
This year, our group in Virginia will most likely do our interest meeting over zoom and email out the forms and plans for the year. We will also likely have an on-line sign up for every event this year, as we will be meeting in person less often. Do what makes sense for your group.